Cleaning elevated surfaces like stone face of a fireplace, window frames, return air vents, and plant shelves that are high above the floor has always been difficult without the use of unstable ladders, scaffolding impractical in the home. The 93455 addresses this with a lightweight system using the power of your central vacuum to clean these elevated surfaces and more up to 16 feet from the floor. Three telescopic extension wands which lock together and three different shaped adapter wands allow you to assemble the system you need to clean a surface 12 to 16 feet high and work safe from unintended separation when working overhead. The 30 foot, 1.375” commercial grade vacuum hose delivers superior airflow to ensure you vacuum the surface not just brush the dirt and dust off to have it fall to a surface below. The 93455 is compatible with all major brands of central vacuums including Beam, Electrolux, Eureka, Vacumaid, Vacuflo, Imperium, Canavac, Nutone, M&S, Drain Vac, MD, Galaxie, and Husky.