60803 | 1.5 Inch (38.1mm) Black Aluminum Telescopic S-Wand with ABS Compression Lock
Features and Benefits
The 60803 is a 1.5” ratchet aluminum telescopic s-wand which can be appropriately sized to fit the user.
43” when fully compressed the 60803 ratchets at 1 inch intervals to a...

61699 | 1.5 Inch (38mm) Black Steel Telescopic S-Wand with ABS Compression Lock
OverviewThe 61699 is a 1.5” ratchet steel telescopic s-wand which can be appropriately sized to fit the user with one hand while actively cleaning. Used with commercial back pack vacuums, wet-dry...

1.5 Inch X 54 Inch Two Piece Locking Commercial Vacuum S-Wand with ABS Compression Collar
$34.95 - $43.80
OverviewThe 61688 is a two-piece 1.5" X 54" commercial s-wand produced with a proprietary scratch proof coating that eliminates the risk of rusting and damage to cosmetic appearance.
Features and...

67645 | 38 Inch Anodized Aluminum Extension Wand ABS Compression Ring Locking System
The 67645 is a 1.5” x 38” (38mm x 1 meter) anodized aluminum extension wand with an ABS compression ring locking system and a durable steel collar to ensure stable dimensions.
Features and...