The 99263 Quick Click solution brings together a dissipative Quick Click separator with a dissipative hose to connect to your vacuum and a 16" dissipative Quick Click tool hose with four piece conductive adapter set. Designed to reduce static from the tool through to the vacuum when appropriately grounded.
The Quick Click separator is molded in a dissipative material providing <10 to the 8th power surface resistivity which all but eliminates the development of a surface charge or material sticking to the surface due to a buildup of static charge.
The Quick Click separator provides a smooth air path for superior separation achieving 99% recovery of even fine dust, the type of dust which presents the greatest health hazard.
The separator features the industry's only baffle design that helps ensure even very fine particulates are captured, saving you money on bags and filters while preserving the life of your vacuum from harmful motor choking dust.
A 1.25" X 16 foot dissipative hose with four piece dissipative Quick Click adapter set connects to your power tools. The adapters connect to the most common dust collection shrouds, 3/4"; 1"; 1.25"; and 1.5". Molded in a TPE material they are flexible enough to press fit on shrouds at diameters up to 0.25" larger than the stated size. Multiple crush rings are designed to hold firmly to your tools as they are manipulated while working.
A 1.5" X 6' dissipative hose with dissipative ends connects from the separator to your vacuum giving you a true dissipative solution from the tool through the separator and on to your vacuum. Providing a reliable path to ground you have a solution which helps protect you from static and static discharge end to end.